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This may trigger you….. But weight loss is easy. 

I can only imagine that this headline may have raised some eyebrows. Or perhaps it may have evoked some negative emotions So let me unpack this for you.  The science of Losing weight is usually easy…… but learning how to set a goal and be disciplined enough to follow through on it… is VERY HARD! Now before I go any further, I do want to acknowledge that for some people, weight loss is challenging no… Read More »This may trigger you….. But weight loss is easy. 

3 Reasons Why as a parent, your health is non-negotiable.

Your health is priceless, and we as parents need to prioritize ourselves.  When I say “Health”, I don’t just mean your veggie intake and your waist circumference… I mean your global health… Mind, Body and Soul…. Mental, Physical and emotional.  Because no amount of Kale and Spinach is enough to escape the mental battles we fight at times… and no amount of perceived happiness will negate the effects of a Fast Food diet..  It has… Read More »3 Reasons Why as a parent, your health is non-negotiable.


It’s time to Break Free from the Old “Weight loss and diet” mentality….and embrace a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IDENTITY. If you’ve struggled with weight gain, yoyo diets and the mental battle with your scale…. This concept may very well give you some much needed Clarity…. And a new outlook on your health.  After over a decade in the health industry and having worked with Hundreds of clients… I’ve realized how most of us have this all… Read More »EMBRACE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IDENTITY.