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Home » This may trigger you….. But weight loss is easy. 

This may trigger you….. But weight loss is easy. 

I can only imagine that this headline may have raised some eyebrows. Or perhaps it may have evoked some negative emotions

So let me unpack this for you. 

The science of Losing weight is usually easy…… but learning how to set a goal and be disciplined enough to follow through on it… is VERY HARD!

Now before I go any further, I do want to acknowledge that for some people, weight loss is challenging no matter how hard they try. I’ve been there with a handful or two of my clients, where no matter how we manipulate their calories or activity, the weight doesn’t drop. 

You see, we have these wonderful things called hormones, and this internal communication system called the endocrine system….  And if this system and these hormones aren’t in check, we will surely run into challenges.  

But that conversation is for another time.

Today, let’s talk about the strategy of losing weight. 

Like everything else in life, weight loss starts in your Mind. 

Our brains enjoy safety, security and comfort. 

So when we establish a new goal for ourselves, our brain doesn’t necessarily want to play along. 

Any new goal we set will require a certain level of discomfort, uncertainty and challenge. All of which don’t quite vibe with our mind’s wishes of ease and “Business as usual”

That is… until we train our mind to enjoy the process. 

The key to achieving your weight loss goals, or any goal in life, comes down to the right strategy, habits and roadmap. 

You see, our brain responds very well to VOLUNTARY discomfort, and following through on our intentions. 

Let’s take a fictional character for an example. How about a busy, working Mom named Abigail. 

Abigail comes home from work after picking up the kids at daycare and is exhausted. 

She’s ready to make supper, put the kids to bed, and watch a few episodes of her favorite show

The last thing she wants to do is go for a jog. Even if she wants to improve her health and shed some unwanted lbs. 

“I’m too tired”

“I’ll just run tomorrow”

“I worked hard today, I deserve a break” 

And the list of excuses goes on and one. 

This is our mind reaching for safety and comfort. 

But.. the magic only happens when she goes for the run, willingly. Knowing she doesn’t want to and it will cause her some discomfort. But that discomfort turns to a feeling of accomplishment.  

She completes the run and comes home feeling like a million bucks. 


Because she willingly pushed herself through discomfort and achieved what she set out to do. 

This micro-win propels her to continue on her journey… strengthening her willpower and her willingness to be disciplined. 

So… the key to your success is all in the approach. 

Where do you set the bar to ensure that you are challenging yourself regularly, but it is not too high that you set yourself up for failure. 

That fine line is the difference between success and failure. 

Don’t go for the Home run on day one. Set a lofty goal that you know you can adhere to at a success rate of 80% or more.

Continue the process until these actions become habits. 

With the right habits at the right times, weight loss truly is easy!!!!

Did I mention that this is my specialty? 

Lifestyle and habit coaching… that’s my jam. 

I work specifically with busy, overwhelmed parents who’ve lost their drive and energy and need to rediscover their identity around health. (I work with everyone, but mostly parents). 

Here’s a link to get to know my process and check out some testimonials.

IF This sounds like something you need in your life. 

Fill out the application form on the page, or just simply send me an email to get the discussion going. 

And Remember this:

Life is for living, and if you truly want to make the most of it… live your life pursuing your potential best self. 

And along the way, you’ll experience the growth you need to keep leveling up!!

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