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Home » 3 Reasons Why as a parent, your health is non-negotiable.

3 Reasons Why as a parent, your health is non-negotiable.

Your health is priceless, and we as parents need to prioritize ourselves. 

When I say “Health”, I don’t just mean your veggie intake and your waist circumference… I mean your global health… Mind, Body and Soul…. Mental, Physical and emotional. 

Because no amount of Kale and Spinach is enough to escape the mental battles we fight at times… and no amount of perceived happiness will negate the effects of a Fast Food diet.. 

It has to be complete health… so let me unpack this for you. 


1- To have enough energy and patience to keep up with all of your children’s activities and aspirations. 

Let’s face it, our kids have endless amounts of energy and it is like their batteries don’t run out…and after a long day’s work, we can’t always match their drive….. But we can surely do our best!!!

Optimizing your sleep, nourishing your body with whole foods/eliminating processed garbage, maintaining a level of fitness and perhaps most importantly, calming your mind and emotions. 

This is the foundation of health… no magic pills… no shortcuts…. A Lifestyle of heatlh 

2- Having control of your mental and emotional health, so you can properly guide your children through their challenges and obstacles…. And teach them to understand their own thoughts and emotions 

Think about this… if you’re chronically stressed out and become rattled at any emotional disturbance to your safeground…how can you show your children the opposite? 

Life… is… Hard….. But life is amazing. 

We should embrace the challenges head on… and climb the mountain each day. Teaching our children this is part of the Parent game. 

But they look to us not only for verbal cues…. They learn from our actions. 

3- Play the Long game- so you can be there to spoil your Grandkids. 

Yes… you might be in considerably decent shape at the moment…. No lifestyle related diseases to speak of…. And none of those magical Statin drugs just yet (by the way, always get a second and third opinion there)….. 

But is it only a matter of time until you break down? 

Are you playing the long game? 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could keep up with your Grandkids and their energy?

The work starts NOW!!!


Here is the thing… Health…or being Healthy… is not that hard!

It just has to be a priority!!

You can start small and build up…. You can make subtractions rather than only additions… and you can Find ways to eat the foods you enjoy and participate in exercise that align with your goals and your schedule. 

You don’t have to eat chicken breast and broccoli…. Hit the gym 6 days a week… I surely don’t. 

But you need to create a new Identity for yourself. 

“I am healthy… I exercise… I eat for health… I am not my thoughts”…. ETC….

It can seem daunting and impossible… but trust me… it isn’t. 

When my clients work with me they are astonished at the relative ease it took them to see significant improvements in their health… Honest…. 

So look… if you need a push… you need some accountability… and you need the gameplan….

You may be in luck. 

Reach out to us at Paradigm Fitness for a free consultation. 

But regardless…. Take your health seriously… before it is too late!!!

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